SERVICES • Alignment for Growth 

Alignment for Growth Programme™

We offer a free initial consultation to understand your needs


We will always first listen to understand and then be understood in our proposed solutions

Our Alignment for Growth Programme™ is the vehicle to effect change in your teams, deep diving into the ‘Why’ and ‘Who’ so that they align to your corporate goals, understanding their role and motivation for growth 

The programme is tailored to achieve the required outcomes for each of our clients, it will typically include a mix of online profiling, in person workshops and remote one to one coaching

Our belief

Our experience working with clients is that Emotional Intelligence is our delivery system for increasing performance. When working with professionals on improving their engagement in business growth, without working on transformational elements first, there is a risk that valuable cash can be invested in skills development and there be no impact and return on investment – either because the propensity for change is minimal or the professionals are not ready to engage.

Alignment for Growth Program Outline

Our Approach

Alignment for Growth Phase One:
Strengths and Transformational Business Development

The foundation on which we work with our clients to improve their teams alignment for growth is the belief that Emotional Intelligence is our delivery system for increasing performance. In our experience firms often think the starting point to effecting change that leads to growth is Capability & Skills of their professionals. While this is important, that’s not where we get started. When working with teams on improving their engagement in Business Development, without working on the Transformational element first, there is a risk that valuable cash can be invested in skills development and there be no impact and return on investment – either because the propensity for change is minimal or the professionals are not ready to engage.

1. Introductory Chemistry Meeting Remote Teams meeting

2. Scoping Meetings One of the seven habits of highly effective people is ‘seek first to understand and then to be understood’. So with that in mind, we’ll join a team meeting to meet and greet and lay the foundations for our work with you, including understanding how each member works, their drivers for growth and begin to unpack the overall desired outcome for the team

3. Strengths Profiling Objective: to help your team understand each other’s strengths and how they work together to maximise the team. Online StrengthsFinder assessment and report for each team member StrengthsFinder is a tool to identify and clarify our unique talents which can then help apply and amplify that which is best in us. 

We concentrate on the top 5 dominant themes and probability says that the chance of someone having the same top 5 = 278,256:1 and the chance of having the same top 5 in the same order = 33.39 million:1. You don’t have to become a different person to become successful, strengths help you to be more of who you are. Signature or dominant talents are ways of thinking, feeling or behaving that naturally appear frequently and powerfully and are your best opportunities for development of strengths

4. Strengths Coaching Having received their individual reports and had time to review and reflect, each team member will participate in one 45 minute remote coaching session with our Executive Coach to have the opportunity in a confidential space to explore their strengths and areas for self development to reach the desired Business Development outcome of the practice.

5. Transformational and Strengths Business Development Workshops Our approach to facilitating workshops is typically very interactive, we make minimal use of PowerPoint and deliver impactful experiences that connect IQ with EQ, bringing about mindset changes and the production of new ideas and strategy. The workshop comprises of two parts. The StrengthsFinder report will identify for each team member their top 5 strengths in order. We’ll work with these during the first part of the workshop journeying through 3 stages with your team:

Name it… This stage is where we will explore the details of your top 5 strengths and look at the detail and the environment each strength requires to flourish.

Aim it… This stage is identifying a strategy to move forward knowing and using those strengths, both individually and as a team. During the second part of the workshop we’ll work with your team to share strengths identified and to create a common knowledge and language for the whole team.

Claim it… This is the stage where we recognise where those strengths have been used in the past resulting in positive outcomes.

The workshop will conclude with identifying the team dynamics, synergies and challenges around the strengths framework. a) Transformational Business Development workshop  Facilitating mindset changes on Business Development through our in person workshop through an interactive, coaching style of delivery that creates team synergy towards a desired Business Development outcome. Objective: to arrive at a desired outcome for your team that provides the cornerstone for you practice growth and aligns to. We will journey through each level —environment, behaviour, capabilities, beliefs and values, identity, and purpose during the workshop, particularly focusing on:

1. Mission & Purpose – who else benefits?

2. Beliefs & Values – why?

3. Identify – who are you?

Each member of your team will be asked to complete a pre-workshop questionnaire to inform the design of the workshop. 6. Ongoing Transformational Coaching After the workshops we will discuss with you and make recommendations on any team members that we feel would benefit from further one to one remote coaching to enhance their skills.

Alignment for Growth Phase Two :
Transformational Business Development

Having completed the above we will then be in a position to work with you to agree a tailored programme of ongoing professional development for members of your team that would benefit from this and deliver the required Business Development outcomes. We anticipate it is likely to include a mix of the following:

• Business Development Skills workshops

• Business Development Coaching

• Current clients strategy development, including gap analysis

• Providing tools to support embedding Business               Development in the practice’s daily work.

• Intelligent Effectiveness profiling

We understand that time away from the desk for your team is costly, both in terms of the financial investment in their professional development and the impact on billable hours. The ongoing programme of support we agree with you can be delivered flexibly as required to accommodate diaries, including short, high impact ‘Espresso’ sessions from 90 minutes in duration over breakfast, lunch or at the end of the working day.

Get in Touch

Please fill out the form below and one of our expert Leadership consultants will be in touch shortly.